RTR Management Station
The user is called user, the facility being defined is called DESIGN, a client and a server are established, and a test message containing the words "Kathy's text today" is sent from the client to the server. After the server receives this text, the user on the server enters the words "And this is my response." System responses begin with the characters %
The exchange of messages you observe in executing these commands illustrates RTR activity. You need to retain a similar sequence in your own designs for starting up RTR and initiating your own application.
You can use RTR SHOW and MONITOR commands to display status and examine system state at any time from the CLI. For more information on RTR commands, see the Reliable Transaction Router System Manager's Manual.
The rtr_receive_message command waits or blocks if no message is currently available. When using the rtr_receive_message command in the RTR CLI, use the /TIME=0 qualifier or TIMEOUT to poll for a message, if you do not want your rtr_receive_message command to block.
RTR Interfaces