Conair RB70 Breakfast, Citrus Julius - 2 servings, Oatmeal Banana Waffles - makes 8 to 10 waffles

Models: RB70

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12cup lime juice

14cup apple juice

14cup mango juice

6tablespoons sugar

9ice cubes

14cup rum (optional)

Place all ingredients in blender jar in order listed, cover, and blend for 1 to 2 minutes on HI.

Nutritional information per serving:

Calories 196 (2% from fat) • carb. 43g • pro. 1g • fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 6mg • calc. 16mg • fiber 2g

Citrus Julius - 2 servings

1 cup milk

14cup tangerine juice

14cup orange juice

2tablespoons sugar

10ice cubes

12egg white

12teaspoon vanilla extract

Place all ingredients in blender jar in order listed, cover, and blend for 1 to 2 minutes on HI.

Nutritional information per serving:

Calories 175 (21% from fat) • carb. 24g • pro. 10g • fat 4g • chol. 17mg • sod. 151mg • calc. 162mg • fiber 0g


Oatmeal Banana Waffles – makes 8 to 10 waffles

1cup old-fashioned oatmeal (not instant)

1cup flour

1tablespoon baking powder

12teaspoon baking soda

12teaspoon cinnamon

18teaspoon nutmeg

3tablespoons brown sugar pinch salt

112 cups buttermilk


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Conair RB70 manual Breakfast, Citrus Julius - 2 servings, Oatmeal Banana Waffles - makes 8 to 10 waffles