There are 2 ways for solving your problems if WLCBGMO can’t connect to Internet as below:
(1)First, please see following “FAQ” to check your problem.
(2)Please go to
(3)Please go to
•Product name: e.g.) WLCBGMO
•Firmware version: access the management program to check.
•Your ISP service name.
•Windows system: e.g.) Windows98/2000/XP and so on.
•WEB browser(Version): e.g.) IE5.0/5.5/6.0 and so on.
•Network adapter manufacturer and its driver version.
•Connection way: fixed IP, dynamic IP or PPPoE
•What are your problem and situation: e.g.) unable to internet.
•What is the error message or picture?
Q1.What should I do when it’s not able to connect to the Inter- net?
A:Please make sure if the below processes are complete or not.
(1) Vertify the product is installed.
(2) Vertify the driver and the software are configured.
(3) Vertify the network setting is correct.
(4) Vertify the security setting is correct.
(5) Vertify the ESSID setting of AP router correspond to that of
(6) Vertify the channel if under
(7) Vertify the wireless Standard of AP is the same as WLCBGMO.