Dialing a Number from Phone book
Find out the number you want to dial. Refer to "Viewing the Phone book Entries". Then press the key or Dial soft key.
Editing the Phone book Entries
1.Press the Menu soft key.
2.Press the key to choose the Phonebook, press the Select soft key.
3.Press the key to choose Edit menu. Press the Select soft key.
4.Press or
key repeatedly until the entry you want to edit displays, press the Select soft
key to confirm.
5.If necessary, press the Erase soft key to clear the digit(s) then enter the desired name and number, press the Next soft key to save.
6.Use or
key to select the ring you like to associate with the number, press the Save soft
key to confirm.
Deleting the Phone book Entries
1.Press the Menu soft key.
2.Press the key to choose the Phonebook, press the Select soft key.
3.Press or
key to choose Delete. Press the Select soft key.
4.Press or
key repeatedly until the name you want to delete displays, then press the
Select soft key. The display shows "Confirm ?". You can press the Del soft key to delete it or press the Cancel key to exit.
5.At step 3, if you choose Delete All menu and press the Select soft key, the display will show "Confirm ?". You can press the Del All soft key to delete all the entries or press the Cancel key to exit.
PB Status
The PB Status shows the number of phone book entries already stored. When the PB Status shows on the LCD, press the Select soft key to enter it.