Inspeccione el aceite del motor

1.Controleel aceiteantesdecada uso. Detengaelmotory espere variosrninutosantesdeverificarel niveldeaceite.Con la

cultivadorasobreunasuperficiepareja,elaceitedebealcanzarla rnarcaFULL(lleno)de lavarilladel nivelde aceite.

2.Extraigala varillade rnedici6nde aceitey sequelacon untrapo.

3.Vuelvaa colocarlaen el cuellodeIlenadodeaceiteperonola atornille.Saquela varillay verifiqueelnivelde aceite.Elnivel deberiaestarenla rnarcaFULL(lleno)

4.Sies necesario,agregueaceitelentarnentey vuelvaa controlar. No Io Ileneen exceso.

5.Lirnpielavarilla,vuelvaa colocarlasin ajustarla.Saquelavarilla y verifiqueelnivelde aceite.Elniveldeaceitedebealcanzarla rnarcaFULLde lavarilla.

6.Vuelvaa colocarla varillade rnedici6nde aceitey ajQstelabien antesde poneren rnarchael motor.

NO utiliceaceitessindetergenteniaceiteparamotordedostiernpos.

Cambie el aceite del motor

SerecorniendaSAE10W-30parausogeneral,atodaslas ternperaturasCuandole. agregueaceitealmotor,consultela tabladeviscosidadenla secci6nde funcionarnientoUseun. aceiteparamotorde cuatrotiernpos,o unaceitedetergentede calidadpremiumequivalentecon certificadoquecubrao exceda lasexigenciasde losfabricantesde autorn6vilesarnericanos respectode laclasificaci6nde servicioSGy SE Losaceitespara motorcon laclasificaci6nSG,SF tienenest,. designaci6nen el envase.

Carnbieel aceitedelmotordespu_sdelas prirnerascincoa ocho horasdefuncionarniento,y a partirde entoncescadacincuenta horasdefuncionarnientoo unavez porternporada.Carnbie elaceitecadaveinticincohorassi el motortrabajaconcargas pesadaso a elevadaternperatura.

Antesde inclinarelmotoroequipoparadrenarel aceite,dreneel combustibledeldep6sitohaciendofuncionarel motorhastaqueel dep6sitodecombustibleest_ vacio.

Elaceiteusadodelmotorpuedecausarc_.ncerde pielsi entraen contactoconla pieldernanerareiteraday porperiodosprolongadosSi. bienestoes improbablearnenosquernanipuleaceiteusadotodoslos dfas,sinembargoes recornendablelavarsebienlasrnanosconjab6n


Drenaje del aceite

1.Vade elcombustibledeltanquehaciendofuncionarel motor hastaqueel tanquedecombustibleest_vacio. Cerci6resede queeltap6n deIlenadodelcombustibleest,. bienajustado.

2.Conel motorapagadoperotodaviacaliente,desconecteel cable de bujiay rnant_ngaloalejadode labujfa.

3.Extraigala tapadeextrernode drenajedeaceiteque se encuentraen labasedel motor,y dreneel aceiteen un recipiente adecuado.Veala Figura20.

Elaceiteusadoes un residuopeligroso.Desecheelaceiteusadoco- rrectarnenteNoIo. arrojejuntoconlos residuosdorn_sticosConsulte. alas autoridadeslocaleso alcentrode servicioSearsparaaveriguar d6ndehayinstalacionesparala elirninaci6n/reciclajesegura(o)del _acete usado.


. Vuelvaa colocary ajustela tapadeextrernodedrenajedeaceite.

5.Cuandose hadrenadotodo elaceitedelmotor,coloqueel motor en unasuperficienivelada.Vuelvaa Ilenarconaproxirnadarnente 20 onzasdeaceitenuevo.LlenehastalaIfneaFULL(lleno)de la varillade rnedici6n.NoIo Ileneenexceso.ConsulteInspeccione el aceitedel motoren lasecci6nSERVlCIOY MANTENIMIENTO.

. Vuelvaa colocarel cablede la bujiaantesdearrancarlaunidad.


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Craftsman 247.29931 manual Inspeccione el aceite del motor, Extraigala varillade rnedici6nde aceitey sequelacon untrapo

247.29931 specifications

The Craftsman 247.29931 is a versatile and powerful garden tractor that stands out in the lineup of outdoor power equipment. Built for durability and efficiency, this model is tailored for homeowners looking to maintain their lawns and gardens with ease. The Craftsman brand is synonymous with quality, and the 247.29931 certainly upholds that legacy.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 247.29931 is its robust 24 HP engine. This engine provides ample power to tackle a variety of tasks, from mowing to hauling. It's complemented by a hydrostatic transmission that allows for smooth and effortless speed adjustments, making it user-friendly for both beginners and experienced gardeners alike. The automatic operation ensures a seamless driving experience, allowing the operator to focus on the task at hand without worrying about shifting gears.

The 42-inch cutting deck is another highlight of the Craftsman 247.29931. It provides a wide cutting width, allowing for faster completion of mowing jobs while delivering a clean and even cut every time. The deck is designed with three adjustable cutting heights, providing versatility to adapt to different grass types and conditions. This feature is essential for maintaining a healthy and aesthetically pleasing lawn throughout the seasons.

Safety is a priority in the design of the Craftsman 247.29931. It includes features such as an operator presence system, ensuring that the engine automatically shuts off if the operator leaves the seat. Additionally, the tractor is equipped with headlights, enabling safe operation during early morning or late evening tasks.

Entertainment is not overlooked either; the Craftsman 247.29931 comes with an ergonomic steering wheel and comfortable seating that make long hours of gardening less tiring. This thoughtful design extends to easy access to controls, allowing the operator to adjust settings without hassle.

In conclusion, the Craftsman 247.29931 is a well-rounded garden tractor that combines power, practicality, and comfort. Its advanced features and reliable performance make it a great asset in any homeowner's arsenal for lawn maintenance and outdoor chores. With its user-friendly design and safety features, it ensures a successful and enjoyable gardening experience. This tractor is an excellent choice for those looking to invest in a durable and capable machine to maintain their outdoor space efficiently.