Para los modelos de California:

ParalosmodelosdeCaliforniacuentanconunatapasujetada,elcombustible detrinquete,STOPIlenareltanquedecombustibleunavezqueseveelinte- riordelabocadeIlenadoEstoaseguraqueunbuenvolumendeexpansi6nse. creaIocontrario,eldesbordamientocombustiblepuedecrearunasituaci6n peligrosaNOrematareltanquedecombustible.EnlosmodelosdeCalifornia,. IleneeltanquedeconformidadconlaFigura7.

IMPORTANTE: Cortara la inversanoes recomendable. Parautilizarel modoPRECAUCIONREVERSO:


1.Arrancarelmotorcomose indicaenelepigrafedearrancarelmotor.

2.Girela llavede lasiega NORMAL(verde)laposici6nenel modo de PRECAUCIONINVERSOR(Amarillo)la posici6ndel m6dulo de interruptordeIlave.VerFigura8.

3.Presioneel bot6nPUSHINVERSOR(Orange,bot6ntriangular) en laesquinasuperiorderechade lateclade m6dulode conmutaci6n.La luzindicadoradecolor rojoenla partesuperior izquierdadel m6dulodeconmutaci6nclaveser_ON mientras activado.Ver Figura8.



de marchaatr_.s

Luz indicadora









de detenci6n


de arranque


El sistemade bloqueode seguridadest,. dise_adoparala operaci6n seguradel tractor.Si estesistemanuncadejadefuncionarcorrecta- rnente,noopereel tractor,contacteinmediatamentecon su Sears Parts& RepairServiceCenter.

El sistemade bloqueode seguridadimpideel arranquedel vehiculoa menosque elfrenode estacionamientoy se dedica a latomadefuerza(BladeEngage)palancaest,. en laposici6n OFFdesconectadoposici6nO.

El sistemade bloqueode seguridadseapagar_autom_ticamente

el motorsi el operadordejael asientoantesde iniciarel frenode estacionamiento.

El sistemade bloqueode seguridadseapagar_autom_ticamente el motorcuandoel operadorabandonasuasientodel tractorcon latomade fuerza(BladeEngage)palancacomprometido,inde- pendientementede si est,. activadoel frenodeestacionamiento.


Tengamuchocuidadoal operarel tractoren el modode PRE- CAUCIONINVERSA.Siernpremirarhaciaabajoy haciaatr_.santes dedar marchaatr_.s.Nohagafuncionarel tractorcuandolos ni_osu

otraspersonasalrededor.Pararel tractorinmediatamentesi alguien entraenel _.rea.

El ATENCK)NINVERSORmodode posici6ndel m6dulode interrup- tor deIlavepermitequeeltractorparaoperaren sentidoinversocon las cuchillas(PTO)haejercido.

Figura 8

4.Unavezactivado(indicadorluminosoencendido),el tractorse puedenconduciren sentidocontrariocon lascuchillasdecorte (PTO) haejercido.

5.Siempremirarhaciaabajoy haciaatr_.santesde darmarcha atr_.sparaasegurarsede quenohay ni_oscerca.

6.Despu_sde reanudarel movimientohaciaadelante,devolverla Ilavea la posici6nnormalde siega.

IMPORTANTE: El modoPRECAUCIONINVERSORpermanecer_ activadahastaque:

a.Laclavese encuentraen la posici6nde la siegaoposici6n normalSTOR

b.Eloperadorse comprometeel frenodeestacionamiento totalmentedeprimenteel pedaldefrenoy mantenerla presionadamientrasse muevela palancade controlde velocidadenla posici6nde frenode estacionamiento.


Para activar el freno de estacionamiento:

1.Completamenteelpedaldefrenoy mantengahaciaabajoconel pie.

2.Moverla palancadel frenodeestacionamientohastael rondoy en elfrenode estacionamiento(ON)la posici6n.

3.Suelteel pedaldel frenoparaqueel frenodeestacionamientoa participar.


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Craftsman 28904 manual Sistenia DE Bloqueo DE Seguridad, Reverse Mode Precaucion, Accionado EL Freno DE ESTACIONAlVUENTO

28904, 247.28904 specifications

The Craftsman 247.28904,28904 is a versatile and powerful lawn tractor designed for homeowners seeking efficiency and reliability in their lawn care routines. This impressive machine combines numerous features and advanced technologies that make it suitable for a variety of gardening tasks, from mowing large lawns to handling tough terrain.

One of the standout characteristics of the Craftsman 247.28904,28904 is its robust engine. Powered by a strong 19.5 HP Briggs & Stratton engine, it provides the necessary power to tackle even the most challenging lawn care jobs. The engine ensures smooth operation and reliable performance, making it ideal for those who require a dependable machine for their outdoor maintenance tasks.

The tractor features a durable 42-inch cutting deck, providing an efficient mowing width that minimizes the number of passes required to achieve a well-groomed lawn. The deck is designed for optimal airflow and cutting efficiency, allowing for a clean and even cut. Homeowners can also adjust the cutting height ranging from 1.5 inches to 4 inches, accommodating different grass types and growth levels.

Another notable technology incorporated in the Craftsman 247.28904,28904 is the automated transmission system. This feature simplifies operation, as users can adjust their speed effortlessly without the need to manually change gears. This allows for a more enjoyable mowing experience, particularly over larger areas, as the operator can focus on maneuverability and precision rather than gear management.

Additionally, the tractor comes equipped with a comfortable high-back seat and ergonomic controls, ensuring the operator remains comfortable during extended use. The incorporation of a tight turning radius enhances maneuverability, making it easier to navigate around trees, flower beds, and other landscaping obstacles.

Furthermore, the tractor’s sturdy construction ensures longevity and resilience against everyday wear and tear. With features like the reinforced frame and heavy-duty front axle, this machine is built to endure various terrains and conditions.

In conclusion, the Craftsman 247.28904,28904 is a powerful lawn tractor that offers a blend of performance, comfort, and durability. With its impressive engine, efficient cutting deck, user-friendly transmission, and high-quality construction, it is an excellent option for homeowners looking to maintain their lawns with ease and efficiency.