_WARNING:Performthefollow- ingstepsaftereachuse:
•Allowenginetocoolbeforestoring ortransporting.
•Storeunitandfuelinawellventi- latedareawherefuelvaporscannot reachsparksoropenflamesfrom waterheaters,electricmotors switches,furnaces,etc.
•Storeunitwithallguardsinplace. Positionunitsothatanysharpob- jectcannotaccidentallycauseinjury.
•Storeunitandfuelwelloutofthe reachofchildren.
SEASONALSTORAGE Prepareunitforstorageatendofsea- sonorifitwillnotbeusedfor30days ormore. Ifyourunitistobestoredforaperiod oftime:
•Cleantheentireunitbeforelengthy storage.
Empty the fuel system before storage for 30 days or longer. Drain the gas
tank, start the engine and let it run un- til the fuel lines and carburetor are
empty. Use fresh fuel next season. Under FUELING ENGINE in the OPERA-
TION section of this manual, see mes- sage labeled IMPORTANT regarding the use of gasohol in your engine=
Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alter- native in minimizing the formation of fuel gum deposits during storage. Add stabilizer to the gasoline in the fuel
tank or fuel storage container. Follow the mix instructions found on stabilizer
container. Run engine at least 3 min- utes after adding stabilizer.
•Remove spark plug and pour 1 tea- spoon of
opening. Slowly pull the starter rope 8 to 10 times to distribute oil.
•Replace spark plug with new one of recommended type and heat range.
•Clean air filter.
•Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts, and bolts. Replace any dam- aged, broken, or worn parts.
•At the beginning of the next season,
use only fresh fuel having the proper gasoline to oil ratio.
•Do not store gasoline from one sea- son to another.
•Replace your gasoline can if it starts to rust.