Craftsman 358.791031 operating instructions Wearhearingprotection, Keephandlesfreeofoilandfuel

Models: 358.791031

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Neverstartorruninsideaclosed roomorbuildingBreathingexhaust. fumescankill.


Alwayskeepengineontheright handsideofyourbody.


Keeptrimmerhead(orotheroption- alattachment)belowwaistleveland awayfromallpartsofyourbodyDo. notraiseengineaboveyourwaist.

Keepallpartsofyourbodyaway frommufflerandspinningline(or otheroptionalattachment)Ahot. mufflercancauseseriousburns.

KeepfirmfootingandbalanceDo. notoverreachorusefromunstable surfacessuchasladders,trees, steepslopes,rooftops,etc.

Useonlyindaylightorgoodartificial light.

Useonlyforjobsexplainedthis manual(ormanualsforoptionalat- tachments).



Stop unit and dis-

connect the spark plug before per- forming maintenance (except carbure- tor adjustments).

Look for and replace damaged or loose parts before each use. Look for and repair fuel leaks before use. Keep in good working condition.

Replace trimmer head parts that are chipped, cracked, broken, or dam-

aged in any other way before using the unit.

Maintain unit according to recom- mended procedures. Keep cutting line at proper length.

Use only 0.080 inch (2 mm) diameter Crafteman(R_ brand line. Never use

wire, rope, string, etc.

Install required shield properly before using the unit. Use only specified trimmer head; make sure it is properly installed and securely fastened.

Make sure unit is assembled cor- rectly as shown in this manual.

Make carburetor adjustments with lower end supported to prevent line from contacting any object.

Keep others away when making car- buretor adjustments.

Use only recommended Craftsman accessories and replacement parts.

Have all maintenance and service

not explained in this manual per- formed by a Sears Service Center.


Mix and pour fuel outdoors.

Keep away from sparks or flames.

Do not smoke or allow smoking near fuel or the unit.

Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up all fuel spills.

Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from fueling site before start- ing engine. Stop engine and allow it to cool before removing fuel cap.

Empty the fuel tank before storing or transporting the unit. Use up fuel left in the carburetor by starting the en- gine and letting it run until it stops.

Store unit and fuel in area where fuel

vapors cannot reach sparks or open flames from water heaters, electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.

Always store gasoline in a container

approved for flammable liquids.


Stop tile unit before carrying.

Allow engine to cool before storing or transporting in vehicle.

Empty the fuel tank before storing or transporting the unit. Use up fuel left in the carburetor by starting the en- gine and letting it run until it stops.

Store unit and fuel in area where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or open flames from water heaters, electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.

Store unit so line limiter blade can-

not accidentally cause injury. The unit can be hung by the shaft.

Store unit out of reach of children.

This unit is not equipped with an anti- vibration system and is intended for occasional use only.

SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibra- tions through prolonged use of gaso- line powered hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of people prone to circulation disorders or ab-

normal swellings. Prolonged use in cold weather has been linked to blood

vessel damage in otherwise healthy people. If symptoms occur such as numbness, pain, loss of strength, change in skin color or texture, or loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or

joints, discontinue the use of this tool and seek medical attention. An anti-

vibration system does not guarantee the avoidance of these problems. Us- ers who operate power tools on a con- tinual and regular basis must monitor

closely their physical condition and the condition of this tool.

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Craftsman 358.791031 Wearhearingprotection, Keephandlesfreeofoilandfuel, Alwayskeepengineontheright handsideofyourbody