part on your engine (as listed under Emissions Control Warranty Parts List) is defective or a defect in the materials
or workmanship of the engine causes the failure of such an emission related
part, the part witl be repaired or re- pIaced by Sears. OWNER'S WAR-
RANTY RESPONSIBILITIES: As the Iawn and garden equipment engine owner, you are responsible for the per- formance of the required maintenance listed in your instruction manual. Sears recommends that you retain all re- ceipts covering maintenance on your Iawn and garden equipment engine, but Sears cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your fail- ure to ensure the performance of atl
scheduled maintenance. As the Iawn and garden equipment engine owner, you shoutd be aware that Sears may deny you warranty coverage if your Iawn and garden equipment engine or a part of it has failed due to abuse, ne- glect, improper maintenance, unap- proved modifications, or the use of parts not made or approved by the original equipment manufacturer. You are responsibte for presenting your tawn and garden equipment engine to a Sears authorized repair center as soon as a problem exists. Warranty repairs shoutd be completed in a rea- sonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. lfyou have any questions regarding your warranty rights and re- sponsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center or
catl Sears at
RANTY COMMENCEMENT DATE: The warranty period begins on the
date the tawn and garden equipment engine is purchased, LENGTH OF COVERAGE: This warranty shaII be for a period of two years from the initiat
date of purchase. WHAT IS COV-
OF PARTS. Repair or replacement of any warranted part witl be performed at no charge to the owner at an approved Sears servicing center. If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you shoutd
contact your nearest authorized ser- vice center or catt Sears at
center, CONSEQUENTIAL DAM- AGES: Sears may be liable for dam- ages to other engine components caused by the failure of a warranted part stiIt under warranty. WHAT IS NOT COVERED: AIt failures caused
by abuse, neglect, or improper mainte- nance are not covered.
ranty services or repairs shah be pro- vided at atl Sears service centers, catl:
SION RELATED PARTS: Any Sears approved replacement part used in the performance of any warranty mainte- nance or repair on emission related parts will be provided without charge to the owner if the part is under warranty.
PARTS LIST: Carburetor, Ignition Sys-
tem: Spark Plug (covered up to main-
tenance scheduIe), Ignition Module.
MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The owner is responsible for the perfor-
mance of alt required maintenance as defined in the instruction manual.