Alwaysstopthe motorandunplugmowerbeforecleaning,lubricatingor performingany repairsor maintenanceon the lawnmower.Alwayswear safetyglassesduringoperationorwhileperforminganyadjustmentsorrepairs.
Motorfailsto start
Circuitbreakeron the mowertripping
Mowercuttinggrass unevenly Mowernot mulching properly
Hardto push
Mowervibratingat higher speed
Corddisconnectsfre- quently
Handlenot inposition
1.Corddisconnectedfromthe motor/blade 1. Reconnectthe cord,keepingthe cord restraintcloseto
control. | the motor/bladecontrol. |
2. Motor/bladecontroldefective. | 2. Takemowerto Searsorotherqualifiedservicedealerto |
| havemotor/bladecontrolreplacedwithoriginalequipment |
3.Extensioncord notconnectedto the plugon 3. Connecttheextensioncordto theplugon the mower. the mower.
4. Extensioncord notconnectedto a source | 4. Connecttheextensioncordto a |
of power. | A.C. receptacle. |
5.Overloadprotectionswitchonthe moweror 5. Resetthe overloadprotectionswitchfollowinginstructions
| circuitbreakerinthe housereceptacletripped. |
| intheServiceAndMaintenancesectionof thismanual. |
1. | Toomuchworkloadonthe mower. | 1. | Raisethecutting height,resetthe circuitbreakeronthe |
| mower,takea smallerwidthof cut, andwalkslowly. |
2. | Fuseblown;outletoverloaded. | 2. | Connectto anoutletthatis fusedfor 15amperes.Reset |
| the circuitbreakerandstart the moweragain. |
1. | Lawnroughor uneven. | 1. | Movethewheelsto a highercuttingheightposition. |
1.Wetgrassclippingsstickto the undersideof 1. Waittill the grassdries beforemowing. the deck.
1. Highgrassor cuttingheighttoo low. | 1. Raisecuttingheight. |
2.Rearof mowerhousingandbladedragging 2. Raisecuttingheight. inheavygrass.
1. | Bentmotorshaft. | 1. | Stopthe motor,disconnectthe powersourceand |
| inspectfor damage.Repairbeforerestarting.Ifvibration |
| persists,takeit to a servicedealer. |
2. | Cuttingbladeis unbalanced. | 2. | Balancethe bladeby grindingeachcuttingedgeequally. |
3. | Bladeis loose. | 3. | Tightenbladeboltto |
1.Extensioncord is not properlyattachedto 1. Reconnectthe extensioncordto the cord restrainton
| the cord restraint. |
| the guiderod. |
2. | Old,worn,or looseextensioncord. | 2. | Replaceextensioncord. |
1. | Carriageboltsnot seatedinthe handle | 1. | Adjustthe heightof the handleand makesurethat |
| insulators. |
| the carriageboltsare seatedproperlyintothe handle |
| insulators.Tightenthe handknobs. |
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