If you haveany probbms operating your pressure washer, please call the pressure washer heJpfineat
Pressure Washer Lecation
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibies, structures or damage fuei tank causing a fire=
•Keepat least5ft. (152cm)clearanceonall sidesof pressure washerincludingoverhead.
Mace _ressurewasher outdoors in an areathat wiii not accumulate deadtyexhaust gas. DO NOTpiace pressure washer where exhaust gas (A) could accumulateand enter inside or be drawn into a potentiaily occupied building. Ensureexhaust gas is kept awayfrom any windows, doors, ventiiation intakes, or other openings that can aliow exhaust gas to coiiect in a confined area. Prevaiiingwinds and air currents should be taken into consideration when positioning _ressurewasher.
Running engine gives off carbon monoxide, an odorless, coiorbss, poison gas.
Breathingcarbon monoxide can causeheadache, fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, confusion, seizures, nausea,fainting or death=
,Keepexhaustgasfromenteringaconfinedareathrough windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
*DONOTstat or runengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea, evenif windowsanddoorsareopen.
Te Start Yenr Cleaning System
To start your engine=poweredcleaning system for the first time, foiiow these instructions step=by=stepThis. information also applies wheneveryou start the engine after you have let the pressure wa@er sit idle for at bast a day.
1= Piacepressure washer outside near an water source capabie of supplying water at a flow rate greater than 3=2galions per minute and no iess than 20 PSi at pressurewasher end of garden hose.
2= Checkthat higil pressure hose is tightly connected to spray gun and pump. See Assemby for iiiustrations.
3= Makesure unit is in a ievei position=
4= Connectgarden hose to water intet on pressure washer pump.
5.Turn ONwater, point gun in a safe direction and squeeze trigger to purge pump system of air and impurities.
DO NOTrun the pump without the water supply connected and turned on.
_ instructionwillamageto equipmentresultingfromvoid warranty failureto followthis
6.Piacecolored quick connect spray tips in slots on holder that'sattachedto nozzleextension.
7.Attach nozzleextension to spray gun. Tighten by hand=
8.Choosespray tip you want to use and insert it into nozzleextension=See How to Use Spray Tips.
9.Engagetrigger iock (A) on spray gun trigger.