How to Stop Yoer Cleaning System | 3. Select desired spraytip: |
1. Reieasespray gun trigger and iet engh_eidte for two | Lew Pressure |
minutes. |
2.Movethrottie to SLOW position, then STOPposition (A).
Useto apply chemical
3.ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction and squeeze spray gun trigger to releaseretained high water pressure,
iMPORTANT:Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
The high pressure stream of water that this equipment produces can cut through skin and its
)ossibte amputation.
._ underiying tissues, ieadingto serious injury and Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause injury.
•Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto purnpandspray'gun whilesystemis pressurized.
. ALWAYSpointspray'gunin safedirectionandsqueezespray' guntrigger,to releasehighpressure,everytimeyou stop engine.Engagetrigger lockwhennot in use.
4.Engagetrigger lock on spray gun when not in use.
Hew te Use Spray Tips
tips can be changed whiie pressure washer is running once spray gun trigger iock is engaged. The spray tips vary the spray pattern as shown.
F(_liawthese instructiansto changespray tips: 1= Engagetrigger lock on spray gun=
2.Puli back coliar on
| The high pressure stream of water that this |
_ | underlyingquipment tissues,producesieadingtocancutthroughserious skininjuryandandits |
| possible amputation. |
° NEVERexchangespraytips withoutlockingthe triggerlockon the spraygun.
, DONOTtwist spraytips whilespraying.
40° White | 15° Yetiow | 0° Red |
1750 PSi | 2200 PSi | 2550 PSi |
2.3 GPM | 2.2 GPM | 2.0 GPM |
°For delicate rinse (lower pressure and higher flow), for gentle cleaning of cars/trucks, boats, RV's,patio furniture, lawn equipment, etc. select white 40° spray tip.
,For general rinsing (medium pressure and medium flow), ideal for most atIpurpose cleaning such as home siding, brick patios, wood decks, driveways and sidewaiks, garage floors, etc., select yellow 15° spray tip.
oFor maximum rinsing (higher pressure and lower flow), for stubborn or hard to reach surface such as second story surfaces, paint removal, oii stains, rust removai or other stubborn substances (tar, gum, grease,wax, etc.), select red 0° spray tip.
,To apply detergent, appiies project specific cleaners to help break down stubborn dirt and grime on a variety of surfaces, select black detergentspray tip.
. Puffbackon coliar,insert new spraytip and releasecollar. Tug on spraytip to makesure it is securelyin place.
oFor most effective cleaning, keep spray tip from 8 to 24 inches (20 to 61 cm) awayfrom cleaning surface.
,If you get spray tip too close, especialiy using a high pressure spray tip, you may damagesurface being cleaned.
oDO NOTget closer than 6 inches (15 cm) when cleaning tires.