Pumphasfollowingproblems: | 1. | Nozzlein lowpressuremode. | 1. | Pull nozzlebackwardfor high |
failureto producepressure,or |
| pressuremode. |
erraticpressure,chattering,lossof | 2. | Water inletis blocked, | 2, | Clearinlet |
pressure,low watervolume. | 3. | Inadequatewatersupply | 3. | Provideadequatewaterflowat |
| least 2.2 gpm. |
| 4. | Inlet hose is kinked or leaking | 4, | Straighteninlethose,patchleak. |
| 5. | Clogged water inlet screen. | 5. | Replace/ cleanwaterinletscreen. |
| 6. | Water supply is over 140°F. | 6. | Providecoolerwatersupply, |
| 7. | Outlet hose is blocked. | 7. | Clear blocksin outlethose, |
| 8. | Outlet hose leaks. | 8. | Replaceoutlethoseif leaking. |
| 9, | Gun leaks. | 9. | |
| 10. | Nozzle is obstructed, | 10. | Clearnozzle. |
| 1!. | Pump is faulty. | 11. ContactSearsServiceDepartment. | |
Detergentfails to mix with. | 1. | Detergent line isnot submerged. | 1. | Insert chemicalline intodetergent. |
spray=: |
| in detergent spray |
| 2. | Chemical filter is clogged. | 2. | Cleanor replacefilterldetergent |
| line, |
| 3; | Nozzleis in highpressuremode. | 3. | Push nozzleforwardfor |
| low pressuremode. |
Enginerunsgoodwhen notspraying | Enginespeed is too slow. | Contact SearsServiceDepartment. | ||
butdies whenyou beginto spray. |
Enginewiltnot start;or starts | 1. | Dirty air cleaner | i. | Cleanor replaceair cleaner, |
and runsrough | 2. | Out of gasoline, | 2. | Fill fuel tank, |
| 3. | Stale gasoline, | 3. | Drain gas tank;fill withfresh fuel. |
| 4. | Spark plug wire not connected | 4. | Connectwireto sparkplug. |
| to spark plug. |
| 5. | Bad spark plug. | 5. | Replacesparkplug. |
| 6. | Water in gasoline, | 6. | Drain gastank;fill withfresh fuel. |
| 7. | Overchoking or ftooded | 7, | Set enginethrottlecontrolleverto |
| fast position,chokein run position, |
| 8. | Excessivelyrichfuel mixture. | 8. | ContactSearsServiceDepartment. |
| 9. | Intakevalvestuckopenor closed. | 9. | ContactSearsServiceDepartment, |
| 10. | Enginehas'lostcompression. | 10. | ContactSearsServiceDepartment. |
Engineshutsdownduring | 1, | Out of gasoline. | 1, | Fill fueltank. |
operation | 2. | Air filter dirty | 2, | ReplaceAirfilter. |
Enginelacks power. | Dirty air filter, | Replaceair filter. |