whenbarefootorwearingopensandals, Wearonlysolidshoeswithgoodtraction
oCheckfueltankbeforestartingengine. Donotfill gastankindoors,whenthe engineis runningorwhentheengineis hot Allowtheenginetocoolforseveral
minutesbeforefillingthegastank,Clean offanyspilledgasolinebeforestartingthe engine,
-Alwaysmakewheelheightadjustments beforestartingyourmower.Never attemptto dothiswhiletheengineis running,
•Mowonlyin daylightorgoodartificial light
° Keepyoureyesandmindonyourmower andtheareabeingcut Donotletother interestsdistractyou.
• Donotputhandsorfeetnearorunder rotatingparts.Keepclearofthedischarge openingatalltimes.
oAlwaysstoptheenginewheneveryou leaveorarenotusingyourmower,or beforecrossingdriveways,walks,roads,
° Neverdirectdischargeof materialtoward bystandersnorallowanyonenearthe mowerwhileyouareoperatingiL
. Beforecleaning,inspecting,orrepairing yourmower,stoptheengineandmake absolutelysurethebladeandallmoving
partshavestoppedThendisconnectthe. sparkplugwireandkeepit awayfromthe sparkplugtopreventaccidentalstarting.
•Donotcontinueto runyourmowerifyou hitaforeignobjectFollowtheprocedure outlinedabove,thenrepairanydamage
beforerestartingandoperatingyou mower
•Donotchangethegovernorsettingsor overspeedtheengine.Enginedamageor personalinjurymayresult
•Donotoperateyourmowerifitvibrates abnormallyExcessivevibrationisan. indicationofdamage;stoptheengine, safelycheckforthecauseofvibration andrepairasrequired.
°Nevercutgrassbypullingthemower towardsyou.Mowacrossthefaceof slopes,neverupanddownoryoumight loseyourfooting.Donotmowexces- sivelysteepslopesUsecautionwhen operatingthemoweronuneventerrain
oNeveroperateyourmowerwithout properguards,plates,grasscatcheror othersafetydevicesin place.
• Check the blade and the engine mount- ing bolts often to be sure they are tightened properly.
o Check a!l bolts, nuts and screws at frequent intervals for proper tightness to
be sure mower is in safe working condition.
o Keep all safety devices in place and working_
o To reduce fire hazard, keep the engine
free of grass, leaves or excessive grease and oil..
o Check grass catcher often for deteriora- tion and wear and replace worn bag& Use only replacement bags that are recommended by and comply with
specifications of the manufacturer of your mower.
o Always keep a sharp blade on your mower.
,Allow engine to cool before storing in any enclosure
o Never store mower with fuel in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or an ignition source such as a hot water heater, space heater, clothes dryer, etc.
CAUTION: Always disconnect spark plug wire and place wire where it cannot contact spark plug in order to prevent accidental starting when setting up, transporting, adjusting or making repairs.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of
California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.