•Under certain conditions,such as very taU grass,it may be necessaryto raisethe heightof cutto reduce pushingeffortand to keep from overloadingthe engine end leavingdumps of grass dippings. It may also be necessaryto reduce groundspeed and/or runthe lawn mower overthe area a second time.
•For extremelyheavy cutting,reducethe
widthof cut by overlappingpreviouslycut
•For better grass baggingand mostcutting conditions,the engine speed shouldbe set in thefast position.
•Pores in doth grass catcherscan become filladwithdirtand dustwithuse and
catchers will collectless grass. To prevent this,regularlyhose catcher off withwater and let dry before using.
•Keep top of engine around starter clear and claan of grass clippingsand chaff.
This willhelp engine air flowand extend engine life.
IMPORTANT: For best performance, ke_
mower housing free of
HOUSING after each use. See "Cleanin.€ in MAINTENANCE section of this manu_
•The special mulching blade will recutthe grass clippingsmany times and reduce them in size so t_%__ts theyfall ontothe lawn they will d_sperseintothe grassand not be noticed.Also, the mulchedgrassw biodegrade quicklyto providenutrientsto1 the lawn. Always mulchwith your highest engine (blade) speed as this will provide the best recuttingac'donofthe blades.
•Avoidcuttingyour lawn when it iswet. We grass tendsto form dumps and interferes withthe mulching action.The besttime to mow your lawn is the early afternoon.At this time the grass has driedand the newl cut area will not be exposedto the direct
•For best results,adjust the lawn mower cuttingheightso that the lawn mowercuts off onlythe top
overloadingthe engine and leaving dumps of mulchedgrass. Forextremely
heavy mulching,reduceyour width of cut, mow slowlyand raise the rear of the lawn mower c_e wheel adjustersettinghigher tban the front.
•Certaintypes of grass and grass corditior_ may requirethat an area be mulcheda
s :ond to
_. Whendeinga _xmd out,mow
acrossor peq_x_rDcularto the firstout path
•Change your cutSngpattem from week to +week. MOw northto southene week than
changeto east to weet the next week. This willhelp preventmaffingand grainingof the lawn.