
Windows 2000

(Service Pack 2)

Updating Windows 98 SE

Installing Digital Video Update

8. Restart your computer when prompted.

To uninstall a selected component in Creative MediaSource, do the following:

1.Click Start ->Settings ->Control Panel.

2.Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.

3.Click the Install/Uninstall tab (or Change or Remove Programs button).

4.Select the Creative MediaSource entry, and then click the Add/Remove (or Change/Remove) button.

5.Click the check box of the application that you want to uninstall to clear it.

6.Click the Next button.

7.Restart your computer when prompted.

Windows 2000 now provides better support for AC-3 SPDIF output (non-PCM through waveOut) for software DVD viewing. Click the web site link below to download the Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 to enjoy this support and to fix other issues in the Windows 2000 OS.


If you have installed DirectX 8.0 or 8.0a run time, install the latest update for this application. (DirectX 8.1 users do not need the update.)

This update provides PAL support and improved device support to 1394 Digital Video equipment users This is applicable for Windows 98 SE and Windows 2000 users. This update provides minor improvement to the Windows Me OS. To look for this update, go to the web site below.


Installing Software 2-4