Configuration Manager Configuration Manager is the view where programmers “build” a Crestron control
system by selecting hardware from the Device Library.
• To incorporate the MPS-300 into the system, drag the MPS-300 from the
Control Systems folder of the Device Library and drop it in the System
Locating the MPS-300 in the Device Library
Program Manager Program Manager is the view where programmers “program” a Crestron control
system by assigning signals to symbols.
Signals that are part of the MPS-300’s out-of-the-box functionality are locked and
cannot be modified or deleted. Locked signals are grayed out in the MPS-300’s
SIMPL Windows symbols. To prevent corruption of the out-of-the-box functionality,
locked signal names should not be copied or driven to other destinations in the
SIMPL Windows program.
NOTE: If using SIMPL Windows version 2.08.19 or later, signals that are part of
the out-of-the-box functionality may be hidden from view. To view hidden signals in
a program containing out-of-the-box functionality, select Display Out Of The Box
Functionality (OOTBF) Programming in the “SIMPL Windows Preferences”
window (Options | Preferences…).
The symbol can be viewed by double clicking on the icon or dragging it into Detail
View. A description for each signal in the symbol is described in the SIMPL
Windows help file (F1).
Switching Programs If a custom program is loaded into the MPS-300, the MPS-300 will run the custom
program when it boots up. To switch to the out-of-the-box program:
1. Press and release HW-R.
2. Press and hold SW-R until “Bypassing Custom Program, Running
OOTBF” is displayed on the LCD.
3. To return to the custom program simply press HW-R or cycle power.
Saving Settings Settings such as tone/volume levels (out-of-the-box and custom programs) and
input/output names (out-of-the-box programs) are stored in an xml and text file that
can be recalled should an MPS-300 program need to be updated.
32 • Multimedia Presentation System 300: MPS-300 Operations Guide – DOC. 6529B