Crestron MPS-300 Multimedia Presentation System 300
Display the Date Controls
DATE: 10/16/2006MO DAY YR
To set the month, press the soft button labeled MO. To set the day,
press the soft button labeled DAY. To set the year, press the soft button
labeled YR. A pair of brackets will appear around the selected part of
the date.
Press the k or j buttons to increase or decrease the value of the
selected part of the date.
Repeat for each part of the date.
Press ENTER to store the new date and return to the Time/Date
controls or press MENU to return to the Time/Date controls without
saving any changes.
To set the time, press the soft button labeled TIME.
Display the Time Controls
To set the hour, press the soft button labeled HR. To set the minute,
press the soft button labeled MIN. To set AM or PM, press the soft
button labeled AM/PM. A pair of brackets will appear around the
selected part of the time.
Press the k or j buttons to increase or decrease the value of the
selected part of the time.
Repeat for each part of the time.
Press ENTER to store the new time and return to the Time/Date
controls or press MENU to return to the Time/Date controls without
saving any changes.
To return to the Control Setup menu, press MENU.
NOTE: The date and time can be set using Crestron Toolbox. For more
information, refer to the Crestron Toolbox help file.
Operations Guide – DOC. 6529B Multimedia Presentation System 300: MPS-300 73