Multimedia Presentation System 300 Crestron MPS-300

Problem Solving


The following table provides corrective action for possible trouble situations. If

further assistance is required, please contact a Crestron customer service


MPS-300 Troubleshooting


response from
control system.
Network devices are not
communicating with the
control system.
Use Crestron Toolbox to poll
the network. Verify network
connection to the device.
PWR LED does
not illuminate. Control system is not
receiving power. Verify the power cord is
properly attached to the
control system and securely
plugged into an outlet.
illuminates. Hardware or software
failure, hardware
incompatibility with
software definitions or
programming error.
Verify that hardware
configuration matches
software configuration. Use
Crestron Toolbox to display
the error log. Refer to “Error
Message Definitions” in the
latest version of the Crestron
2-Series Control Systems
Reference Guide (Doc. 6256)
for more details.
System locks up. Various. Press and release front panel
HW-R button, then press and
hold SW-R button to bypass
program and communicate
directly with the processor.
(Refer to “Troubleshooting
Communications” in the
Crestron 2-Series Control
Systems Reference Guide
(Doc. 6256) for more details.
Cresnet device
does not respond. Device not wired
correctly. Verify Cresnet wiring.
Improper NET ID used. Verify that device ID matches
NET ID in the program.
A/V system device
does not respond. Device is not receiving
sufficient power. User the Crestron Power
Calculator to help calculate
how much power is needed
for the system.
Cables improperly
connected. Verify that all cables are
Display device not
configured properly. Configure display device to
match output frequency.
Poor picture
quality (RGB).
Incorrect sync input
impedance. Set DIP switches to lower
sync input impedance.
Poor picture
quality (Video). Cables improperly
connected. Verify that all cables are
84 Multimedia Presentation System 300: MPS-300 Operations Guide – DOC. 6529B