amplifies the difference between input and output | The ODEP transistors steal drive as dictated by the |
signals, any difference in the two waveforms will | ODEP circuitry (discussed later). The control/protec- |
produce a near open loop gain condition which in turn | tion transistors act as switches to totally shunt audio to |
results in high peak output voltage. The output of the | ground during the |
Error Amp, called the Error Signal (ES) drives the | Fault protective action. |
Voltage Translators. |
VOLTAGE AMPLIFICATION | Last Voltage Amplifiers (LVAs) |
The Voltage Translator stage channels the signal to | |
The Voltage Translator stage separates the output of | the Last Voltage Amplifiers (LVA's) in a balanced |
the Error Amp into balanced positive and negative | configuration. The +LVA and |
drive voltages for the Last Voltage Amplifiers (LVAs), | effect through the Bias Servo, drive the fully comple- |
translating the signal from ground referenced ±15V to | mentary output stage. The LVAs are configured as |
±Vcc reference. LVAs provide the main voltage ampli- | common emitter amplifiers. This configuration pro- |
fication and drive the High Side output stages. Gain | vides sufficient voltage gain and inverts the audio. The |
from Voltage Translator input to amplifier output is a | polarity inversion is necessary to avoid an overall |
factor of 25.2. | polarity inversion from input jack to output jack, and it |
| allows the NFb loop to control Error Amp gain by |
Voltage Translators | feeding back to its |
A voltage divider network splits the Error Signal (ES) | opposite to the output of the VGS). With the added |
into positive and negative drive signals for the bal- | voltage swing provided by the LVAs, the signal then |
anced voltage translator stage. These offset reference | gains current amplification through the Darlington |
voltages drive the input to the Voltage Translator | |
transistors. A nested NFb loop from the output of the | GROUNDED BRIDGE TOPOLOGY |
amplifier mixes with the inverted signal riding on the | |
offset references. This negative feedback fixes gain at | Figure 2 is a simplified example of the grounded |
the offset reference points (and the output of the Error | bridge output topology. It consists of four quadrants |
Amp) at a factor of | of three deep Darlington (composite) |
output. The Voltage Translators are arranged in a | stages per channel: one NPN and one PNP on the |
common base configuration for | High Side of the bridge (driving the load), and one |
gain with equal gain. They shift the audio from the | NPN and one PNP on the Low Side of the bridge |
±15V reference to VCC reference. Their outputs drive | (controlling the ground reference for the rails). The |
their respective LVA. | output stages are biased to operate class AB+B for |
| ultra low distortion in the signal |
Also tied into the Voltage Translator inputs are ODEP | and high efficiency. |
limiting transistors and control/protection transistors. |
| BGS | VGS | Error | +15V |
| Voltage | +VCC |
| Translators |
| |||
Audio | + | + | Amp | Divider |
| NPN Outputs (+HS) |
+ |
| |||||
| Q100 | Q121 | Q101 | Q105 |
| |||
Inputs |
| Voltage |
| Q102 | |
- | - | - |
| Q103 |
| PNP Outputs | ||
| ||||||
| Q122 |
| Q110 | |
| ||
| - + | Mute |
| |
| ODEP |
| |||
| |||
| NFb Loop |
| LVA's |
Figure 1. Typical Amplifier Front End and Voltage Amplification Stages.