7 . 0 | T y p i c a l a p p l i c a t i o n s |
a. Two channel (stereo) operation
In this example, each channel of the PULSE 2x650 is being used independently. For this application, ensure that the rear panel BRIDGE switches are in the NORMAL position. More than one speaker may be used on each channel as long as the total impedance is not less than 2 ohms. See section d for more information about how to calculate impedance.
R 2
1 | 2 |
for example - both speakers up to
650W 4 ohms
b. Two amplifiers used in bridge mode
Here one amplifier is being used per channel. As the amplifiers are being operated in bridge mode, each is capable of delivering well over 1600W into 4 ohms or 1300W into 8 ohms. More than one speaker may be used on each amplifier as long as the total impedance is not less that 4 ohms. See section d for information about how to calculate impedance.
Bridge |
1 |
Bridge |
for example - both speakers up to
1300W 8ohms