CTA SHARP 6K technical specifications Func∂Ionarea Tor∂Ei, Defecte DE Taiere

Models: SHARP 6K

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d.Selectati curentul de taiere din potentiometrul (Pct. 7 - Fig. 1 pag. 2) urmarind datele din tabelul de jos.

e.Mergeti la piesa ce va fi taiata, apasati butonul pistoletului si incepeti taierea.



oncepe∑i s™ t™ia∑i ¶ncet `i m™ri∑i viteza pentru a ob∑ine calitatea dorit™ a t™ierii. Pentru a ¶ncepe t™ierea pe marginea foii de tabl™, alinia∑i centrul tor∑ei de-a lungul marginii tablei `i ap™sa∑i pe ¶ntrerup™torul de comand™: ¶n acest fel, arcul de t™iere transferat se va forma pe marginea tablei. Regla∑i viteza astfel ¶nc<t s™ se ob∑in™ un rezultat optim al t™ierii. Plasma-aerul formeaz™ un unghi drept (o∑el inox, aluminiu) sau un unghi de atac de 5° (Fig. E) (o∑el moale).


La unele opera∑ii de t™iere e necesar™ ¶nceperea t™ieturii din interiorul suprafe∑ei tablei, `i nu de la marginea tablei.

ontoarcerea fl™c™rii la opera∑ia de perforare poate scurta durata de via∑™ a componentelor tor∑ei; de aceea, opera∑ia de perforare trebuie efectuat™ c<t mai rapid posibil. C<nd se efectueaz™ o opera∑ie de perforare (Fig. F).

Tabel n. 1 - CADERI -

¶nclina∑i tor∑a u`or, astfel ¶nc<t particulele de la ¶ntoarcerea fl™c™rii s™ fie suflate departe de duza tor∑ei (`i de utilizator), ¶n loc s™ rico`eze de tor∑™. Cur™∑a∑i reziduurile `i incrusta∑iile de pe ap™r™toarea de ecranare `i de pe duz™ c<t mai repede posibil. Stropirea sau scufundarea ap™r™torii de ecranare ¶ntr-o substan∑™ anti-reziduuri mic`oreaz™ cantitatea de incrusta∑ii care ader™ la aceasta.

NOT®: Urm™toarele recomand™ri trebuie respectate pentru toate opera∑iile de t™iere.

a.A`tepta∑i 5 minute ¶nainte de a opri generatorul, dup™ ce a∑i terminat opera∑iile de t™iere. Acest lucru permite ventilatorului s™ r™ceasc™ `i s™ disipeze c™ldura aparatului.

b.Pentru o durat™ lung™ de via∑™ a componentelor, nu l™sa∑i ¶n func∑iune arcul pilot mai mult dec<t e necesar.

c.Manipula∑i cu grij™ conductoarele tor∑ei `i proteja∑i-le de deterior™ri.

d.Pentru ¶nlocuirea materialelor uzate folosi∑i numai cheia de siguran∑™.



Defecte la operatia de taierea cu arc:

Patrundere insuficienta.

a.Viteza de taiere prea mare.

b.Putere insuficienta.

c.Grosime material prea mare.

d.Componentele pistoletului deteriorate.

Arcul se intrerupe.

a.Viteza de taiere prea mica.

b.Duza prea distantata de piesa.

Formare de zgura.

a.Presiune de gaz scazuta

b.Putere scazuta.

Duza arsa.

a.Curentul prea mare.

b.Duza deteriorata sau lipsa.

c.Duza atinge piesa.

d.Zgura excesiva: presiunea gazului prea mica.


Dupa pornire, tgeneratorul poate da erori operationale aratate pe afisaj (Pct. 3 - Fig. 1 pag. 2) conform cu tabelul de mai jos. Aceste erori pot fi remediate sau pot reveni.




Fiti siguri ca pistoletul este bine montat.

Inchideti si deschideti sursa.




F10 - F11 - F12 - -F13

Inchideti si deschideti sursa.

Daca defectul persista chemati serviciul de asistenta tehnica.


F 15

Fiti siguri ca butonul pistoletului nu este apasat cand sursa este pornita .

Inchideti si deschideti sursa.




F20 - F30 - F51 - F52 - F53 - F54 -F55 - F56

Inchideti si deschideti sursa.

Daca defectul persista chemati asistenta tehnica.




(RO) 4

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CTA SHARP 6K technical specifications Func∂Ionarea Tor∂Ei, Defecte DE Taiere

SHARP 6K specifications

The CTA SHARP 6K is an advanced digital cinema camera designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern film production. With its impressive 6K resolution, the camera provides filmmakers with the ability to capture stunningly detailed images, which is especially useful for high-quality productions where visual fidelity is paramount.

One of the standout features of the CTA SHARP 6K is its Super 35mm sensor. This large sensor size allows for a shallow depth of field, giving filmmakers the ability to create cinematic looks with beautifully blurred backgrounds. The camera supports a wide dynamic range, ensuring that it can capture details in both the shadows and highlights, making it ideal for varied lighting conditions.

The camera is equipped with advanced color science that enables it to produce vibrant and true-to-life colors. Filmmakers can also take advantage of its extensive color grading options in post-production, allowing for a custom visual style that suits their project’s needs. The CTA SHARP 6K also features a wide range of native frame rates, offering flexibility for capturing slow-motion effects or fast-paced action shots, all while maintaining high image quality.

In terms of connectivity and compatibility, the CTA SHARP 6K includes multiple output options, including HDMI and SDI, facilitating easy integration into existing production workflows. Its robust design ensures reliability during rigorous shooting schedules, and its ergonomic build offers comfort for handheld use, making it suitable for various shooting styles.

One of the key technologies integrated into the CTA SHARP 6K is advanced image stabilization. This feature helps to minimize camera shake, resulting in smoother footage, especially during handheld shooting or when using longer lenses. Additionally, the camera supports a variety of lens mounts, which allows filmmakers to use a wide range of lenses, from high-quality cinema lenses to more affordable options.

With a comprehensive suite of features, the CTA SHARP 6K is not just a camera but a complete filmmaking tool. Its user-friendly interface ensures that both seasoned professionals and newcomers can operate it with ease. The inclusion of dual card slots also provides versatility and redundancy for recording, ensuring that filmmakers have peace of mind during critical shoots.

Ultimately, the CTA SHARP 6K stands out as a powerful solution for filmmakers striving for excellence, combining cutting-edge technology with practicality and versatility.