page 63) examines each physical drive and looks for drives that have been moved to a different drive bay.

Action: Look for messages indicating which drives have been moved. If no messages are displayed and drive swapping did not occur, run ACU ("Array Configuration Utility" on page 54) to configure the controller and run the server setup utility to configure NVRAM. Do not run either utility if you believe drive swapping has occurred.

Controller Reported POST Error. Error Code: X

Description: The controller returned an error from its internal POST.

Action: Replace the controller.

Controller Restarted with a Signature of Zero

Description: ADU ("Array Diagnostic Utility" on page 63) did not find a valid configuration signature to use to get the data. NVRAM may not be present (unconfigured) or the signature present in NVRAM may not match the signature on the controller.

Action: Run the server setup utility to configure the controller and NVRAM.

Disable Command Issued

Description: The issuing of the Accelerator Disable command has disabled posted-writes. This occurred because of an operating system device driver.

Action: Restart the system. Run ACU ("Array Configuration Utility" on page 54) to reinitialize the array accelerator board.

Drive (Bay) X Firmware Needs Upgrading

Description: Firmware on this physical drive is below the latest recommended version.

Action: Update the drive to the latest firmware version ("Firmware maintenance" on page 65).

Drive (Bay) X has Insufficient Capacity for its Configuration

Description: Drive has insufficient capacity to be used in this logical drive configuration.

Action: Replace this drive with a larger capacity drive.

Drive (Bay) X has Invalid M&P Stamp

Description: Physical drive has invalid monitor and performance data.

Action: Run the server setup utility to properly initialize this drive.

Drive (Bay) X Has Loose Cable

Description: The array controller could not communicate with this drive at power-up. This drive has not previously failed.


1.Be sure all cables are properly connected and working.

2.Power down the system and attempt to reconnect data/power cable to the drive.

3.Power up the system.

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