Accelerator Status: Valid Data Found at Reset

Description: Valid data was found in posted-write memory at reinitialization. Data will be flushed to disk.

Action: No error or data loss condition exists. No action is required.

Accelerator Status: Warranty Alert

Description: Catastrophic problem exists with array accelerator board. Refer to other messages on Diagnostics screen for exact meaning of this message.

Action: Replace the array accelerator board.

Adapter/NVRAM ID Mismatch

Description: EISA NVRAM has an ID for a different controller from the one physically present in the slot.

Action: Run the server setup utility.

Array Accelerator Battery Pack X not Fully Charged

Description: Battery is not fully charged.

Action: If 75% of the batteries present are fully charged, the array accelerator is fully operational. If more than 75% of the batteries are not fully charged, allow 36 hours to recharge them.

Array Accelerator Battery Pack X Below Reference Voltage (Recharging)

Description: Battery pack on the array accelerator is below the required voltage levels.

Action: Replace the array accelerator board if the batteries do not recharge within 36 powered-on hours.

Board in Use by Expand Operation

Description: Array accelerator memory is in use by an expand operation.

Action: Operate the system without the array accelerator board until the expand operation completes.

Board not Attached

Description: An array controller is configured for use with array accelerator board, but one is not connected.

Action: Connect array accelerator board to array controller.

Cache Has Been Disabled Because ADG Enabler Dongle is Broken or Missing

Description: The cache has been disabled because RAID ADG volume is configured but the ADG Enabler Dongle is broken or missing.

Action: Check the ADG Enabler Dongle. Replace if needed.

Error messages 76