Cache Has Been Disabled; Likely Caused By a Loose Pin on One of the RAM Chips

Description: Cache has been disabled due to a large number of ECC errors detected while testing the cache during POST. This is probably caused by a loose pin on one of the RAM chips.

Action: Try reseating the cache to the controller. If that does not work, replace the cache.

Configuration Signature is Zero

Description: ADU ("Array Diagnostic Utility" on page 63) detected that NVRAM contains a configuration signature of zero. Old versions of the server setup utility could cause this.

Action: Run the latest version of server setup utility to configure the controller and NVRAM.

Configuration Signature Mismatch

Description: The array accelerator board is configured for a different array controller board. The configuration signature on the array accelerator board does not match the one stored on the array controller board.

Action: To recognize the array accelerator board, run ACU ("Array Configuration Utility" on page 54).

Controller Communication Failure Occurred

Description: Controller communication failure occurred. ADU was unable to successfully issue commands to the controller in this slot.


1.Be sure all cables are properly connected and working.

2.Be sure the controller is working, and replace if needed.

Controller Detected. NVRAM Configuration not Present

Description: EISA NVRAM does not contain a configuration for this controller.

Action: Run the server setup utility to configure the NVRAM.

Controller Firmware Needs Upgrading

Description: Controller firmware is below the latest recommended version.

Action: Update the controller to the latest firmware version ("Firmware maintenance" on page 65).

Controller is Located in Special "Video" Slot

Description: Controller is installed in the slot for special video control signals. If the controller is used in this slot, LED indicators on the front panel may not function properly.

Action: Install the controller into a different slot, and run the server setup utility to configure NVRAM. Then, run ACU ("Array Configuration Utility" on page 54) to configure the controller.

Controller Is Not Configured

Description: Controller is not configured. If the controller was previously configured and you change drive locations, a problem might exist with the placement of the drives. ADU ("Array Diagnostic Utility" on

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