Problem Solving
Problem Solving Section
For your assistance, we have listed below a few common problems.
Phone does not work, check the following:
1.BASE UNIT is plugged into a power source.
2.HANDSET is charged.
3.TONE/PULSE Select Switch is in the right position.
Range of phone limited, check the following:
1.BASE UNIT is centrally located in your residence.
2.BASE UNIT is not located near appliances.
No dial tone, check the following:
1.TELEPHONE LINE CORD plugs are connected to the TELEPHONE JACK and
2.BASE UNIT is plugged into a power source.
3.If you had a power failure or had unplugged the BASE UNIT, replace the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT for 2 to 5 seconds to reset the system.
Received signal flutters or fades, check the following:
1.BATTERY PACK in the HANDSET is fully charged.
2.HANDSET is not too far from the BASE UNIT.
Interference on reception, check the following:
1.Noise may be picked up from electrical products in the home or electrical storms. Generally, this noise is a minor annoyance and should not be interpreted as a defect in your system. (See Technical Information on page 34).
2.Choose an alternate channel using the Scan/Del button on the HANDSET.
3.Do not use this telephone within 20 ft. of a microwave oven while it is working, as you may experience interference. This is a normal occurrence with 5.8 GHz phones and should not be interpreted as a defect in the product.
Excess static, check the following:
1.Check to see that the ANTENNA is not touching another metal object.