Document Number: 001-51000 Rev. ** Page 10 of 14
AutoStore or Power Up RECALL
Parameter Alt Description STK22C48 Unit
Min Max
tHRECALL [12] tRESTORE Power up RECALL Duration 550 μs
tSTORE [14, 15] tHLHZ STORE Cycle Duration 10 ms
tDELAY [13] tHLQZ , tBLQZ Time Allowed to Complete SRAM Cycle 1 μs
VSWITCH Low Voltage Trigger Level 4.0 4.5 V
VRESET Low Voltage Reset Level 3.6 V
tVSBL[10] Low Voltage Trigger (VSWITCH) to HSB Low 300 ns
Switching Waveform
Figure 11. AutoStore/Power Up RECALL
12.tHRECALL starts from the time VCC rises above VSWITCH.
13.CE and OE low for output behavior.
14.CE and OE low and WE high for output behavior.
15.HSB is asserted low for 1us when VCAP drops through VSWITCH. If an SRAM Write has not taken place since the last nonvolatile cycle, HSB is released and no store
takes place.
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