•IP Address: LAN/Private IP Address of the
•Subnet Mask: LAN/Private Subnet Mask of the
•IP Address: WAN/Public IP Address
•Subnet Mask: WAN/Public Subnet Mask
•Gateway: WAN/Public Gateway IP Address
•Domain Name Server: WAN/Public DNS IP Address
•Wan Status: WAN Connection Status
Firmware version: Displays the current firmware version
WAN MAC Address: Displays the WAN port MAC/hardware address
LAN MAC Address: Displays the LAN port MAC/hardware address
Status > Log
The Broadband Router keeps a running log of events and activities occurring on the Router. If the device is rebooted, the logs are automatically cleared. You may save the log files under Log Settings.
First Page - The first page of the log.
Last Page - The last page of the log. Previous - Moves back one log page. Next - Moves forward one log page.
Clear - Clears the logs completely.
Log Settings - Brings up the page to configure the logs.
Log Settings
Not only does the Broadband Router display the logs of activities and events, it can be setup to send these logs to another location.
SMTP Server/IP Address - The address of the SMTP server that will be used to send the logs.