Note! Only one PC can use each Special Application tunnel.
Trigger Name: This is the name referencing the special application.
Trigger Port: This is the port used to trigger the application. It can be either a single port or a range of ports.
Trigger Type: This is the protocol used to trigger the special application.
Public Port: This is the port number on the WAN side that will be used to access the application. You may define a single port or a range of ports. You can use a comma to add multiple ports or port ranges.
Public Type: This is the protocol used for the special application.
Schedule: This is the schedule of time when the special application will be enabled.
Advanced > Filters
Filters are used to deny or allow LAN (Local Area Network) computers from accessing the Internet. The
IP Filters
Use IP Filters to deny LAN IP addresses from accessing the Internet. You can deny specific port
numbers or all ports for the specific IP address.
IP: The IP address of the LAN computer that will be denied access to the Internet.
Port: The single port or port range that will be denied access to the Internet.
Schedule: This is the schedule of time when the IP Filter will be enabled.