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6) I/M Readiness

The I/M Readiness (Inspection / Maintenance) function is used to view

a snapshot of the operations for the emission system on OBD II vehicles.

￿I/M Readiness is a very useful function. To guarantee no faults exist make sure all monitors are ok or n/a and no DTC’s exist.

￿Refer to the vehicles service manual for the drive cycle operation.

￿During normal driving conditions, the vehicle’s computer scans the emission system. After a specific amount of drive time (each monitor has specific driving conditions and time required), the computer’s monitors decide if the vehicles emission system is working correctly or not as well as detecting out of range values. When the monitor’s status is:

Has Run - vehicle was driven enough to complete the monitor.

Has Not Run - vehicle was not driven enough to complete the monitor.

Don’t support- vehicle does not support that monitor.

￿Depending on vehicle, disconnecting or a discharged battery may erase DTCs and clear monitor status.

￿Monitors may be cleared by:

￿Erasing codes

￿Vehicle control modules losing power

￿I/M Readiness can be done with the KOER or KOEO.

Abbreviations and names for OBD II Monitors supported by the Scan Tool are shown below. They are required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Not all monitors are supported by all vehicles.

• Abbreviated Name

• Expanded Name



Misfire Monitor



Fuel System Monitor



Comprehensive Components Monitor



Catalyst Monitor



Heated Catalyst Monitor



Evaporative System Monitor



Secondary Air System Monitor



Air Conditioning Refrigerant Monitor



Oxygen Sensor Monitor



Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor



haust Gas Recirculation System Monitor

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Daewoo AD100 user manual M Readiness