Be careful not to confuse hot water inlet (pink color) and cold water inlet (blue color), if your washer is provided with dual water inlets.
Also if you have only one water tap, connect the inlet hose with cold water inlet (blue color).
For normal tap
! Pull down the collar of the | @ Loosen the four screws | # Fit the hose adapter into the water |
inlet hose to separate it | properly in fitting into | tap and tighten the four screws |
from the hose adapter. | water tap. | evenly while pushing up the |
| adapter so that the rubber packing |
| can stick to the water tap tightly. |
| TAPE |
$ Remove the tape, and | % Connect the inlet hose to | ^ Connect the opposite end |
screw connector B into | the hose adapter, pulling | of the hose to water inlet |
connector A tightly. | down the collar of hose | of your washer tightly. |
| end. | • Please check the rubber |
| packing is inside the |
| hose end. |
Connector |
Connector B |
*In case that your washer is not provided with collar compartment, procedure # and % is not necessary.
For Thread-Fitting Type
!Connect the inlet hose to the thread of water tap or water pipe by tightening.
Connector Packing
@For the opposite end, connect it to water inlet as the above procedure ^.
Leak Test
Turn on the water completely to check for any leakage. If any leakage, turn off the water, try again as the above procedures.
For the special tap, call a qualified plumber for the installation.