Once the reader is setup, you can change the default parameters to meet your application needs. Refer to the preceding paragraphs for initial configuration in order to set the default values and select the interface for your application.

In this manual, the configuration parameters are divided into logical groups making it easy to find the desired function base on its reference group.

The RS232, USB, WEDGE groups are for Standard Interface parameter configuration.

The following parameter groups are common to all interface applications:

DATA FORMAT parameters regard the messages sent to the Host system.

CAMERA CONTROL parameters regard the control mode managing the camera.

CODE SELECTION parameters allow configuration of a personalized mix of codes, code families and their options.

READING PARAMETERS control various operating modes and indicators status functioning.

CAPTURE IMAGE parameters activate image capturing.

ADVANCED IMAGE CAPTURE parameters define options of the image to capture.

ADVANCED DATA FORMAT parameters allow advanced formatting of messages towards the Host.