Alternatively using the stylus, you can tap once directly on the value on the right
column; continue tapping until the desired value is reached.
To activate a new configuration select the File ->Save Menu to send the new
configuration to the barcode decoding software and save the new configuration. This
will save the configuration to non-volatile memory preventing loss at the next system
Reader Parameters
The barcode reading parameters and values are dependent upon the type of scanner
module mounted in your mobile computer. For a detailed list of parameters and of
their configuration procedures, please refer to the SDK Help file on the CD.
Scan Parameters
The Scan Parameters are common to all scanner modules and allow control of the
scanning device. The Scan parameters are described as follows:
ScanTimeout: the maximum time, in milliseconds, during which the scanner remains
on without decoding any barcode.
GoodReadSound: is the filename of a .wav file played when the scanner reads a
LedDuration: the length of the good-read led pulse, in milliseconds.
LedPulses: the number of times the good-read led pulse is emitted when the
scanner reads a code.
ContinuousMode: when enabled, the scanner can only be turned off by releasing
the SCAN key, or if Soft Trigger is enabled, by the application program. Continuous
Mode overrides Scan Timeout.
KeyboardEmulation: if enabled all scanned data are transformed into keyboard
events and can therefore be displayed and saved to a file as if input from the mobile
computer keyboard. If set to "Yes (Clipboard)", it copies the scanned data to the
system clipboard.
SoftTrigger: when enabled, the laser can be turned on/off by the application
ScanAlwaysOn: enables the scanner for barcode reading independently from the
application software. If set to "Disabled after read", it disables the reading after a
reading attempt. In case the scan button is accidentally pressed, this selection
prevents the driver from decoding new data while the application is still elaborating
previous data.