Hyperbolic Calculations
Cosh34 = 3 4 HYP cos (2.917308713 x 1014)
Inverse Hyperbolic Calculations
Sinh-1 1.5 x 1025 = 58.66323961
1 . 5 EXP 2 5 INV HYP sin (58.66323961)
Statistical Calculations
DATA Enters statistical data
Displays Sum of the data
nDisplays the number of data
sn-1 Displays the Standard deviation
Displays the Square sum of the data
Displays the Mean value of the data
Displays the Standard deviation
population parameter
Note: In scientific mode the results may be dis-
played in the form of exponent
Trigonometric Functions
Press Displayed
Sin53º [Mode][DRG] DEG 53 sin (0.79863551)
Tan 65grad[Mode][DRG] GRAD 65 tan (1.631851687)
Cos22 [Mode][DRG] RAD 22 cos (-0.999960826)
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Sin–10.3 [DEG] . 3 INV sin-1 (17.45760312˚)
Cos-10.8 [DEG] . 8 INV cos-1 (36.86989765˚)
Logarithmic Functions
Log 123= 1 2 3 log (2.089905111)
In 123= 1 2 3 In (4.812184355)
Exponential calculations
e22= 2 2 INV ex(3584912846)
102.3= 2 . 3 INV 10x(199.5262315)
Reciprocal Calculations
2x3+4 = 0.1 2 x 3 + 4 = 1/x (0.1)
Factorial Calculation
(4x2–3) ! = 120 4 x 2 – 3 = INV n! (120)
Trigonometric Calculations
Cosec x = 1
Sin x
[DEG] 4 5 sin 1/x (1.414213562)