Undocking Your Computer
1Before you undock your computer, save and close any open files, and exit any open programs.
2Set your computer power management settings so that the computer does not enter standby or hibernate mode when you close (lower) the display:
Windows XP
a Click the Start button and click Control Panel.
b Under Pick a category, click Performance and Maintenance.
c Under or pick a Control Panel icon, click Power Options and click the Advanced tab.
d Under the When I close the lid of my portable computer
NOTICE: Never undock the computer without first preparing the computer for undocking. If you undock before preparing the computer, you will lose data and the computer may not recover normal operation for several minutes, if at all.
NOTICE: If the computer does not have a charged battery in the battery bay, you must shut down the computer before undocking. If you undock the computer without a battery before shutting it down, you will lose data and the computer may not recover normal operation for several minutes, if at all.
3If your computer does not have a charged battery in the battery bay, shut down the computer through the Windows Start menu.
4If your computer has a charged battery in the battery bay, prepare the computer for undocking by doing one of the following:
•Click the Start button and click Undock Computer.
•Press the undock button on the left side of the media base for 1 second (see "Left View" on page 8). The lights on the media base turn off and an Undock Complete message states that you can now undock your computer.
5If your media base is secured, remove the lock.
6Pull the computer release lever forward (see "Left View" on page 8) to release the computer.
Media Base Setup Guide