Traditional BAKE 400°F
●4 cups milk ● 2 eggs, slightly beaten
●1 teasp. salt ● 1 1/2 cups semolina
●8 tablesp. melted butter or margarine
●1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
In a saucepan, bring milk, and salt to a low boil. Reduce heat, then slowly pour in semolina in a thin stream, stirring constantly with a spoon or wire whisk. Continue cooking and stirring until semolina is very thick, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and add 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese, eggs and 2 tablesp. melted butter. Butter a large shallow baking sheet and spread the thick mixture evenly to about 1/4 inch thick. Cool until firm. Preheat oven on BAKE at 400°F with wire shelf in position 1.
With a 1 1/2 inch biscuit cutter or glass dipped in cold water cut into rounds and arrange them in a buttered 9 inch pan or dish in one layer, overlapping circles sligh- tly. Top with remaining melted butter and cheese. Bake 20 - 30 minutes until lightly browned and crusty. If necessary, turn oven to BROIL for several minutes to brown.
Traditional BAKE 350°F
●3/4 lb. ground beef or beef, pork, veal combination
●1 - 2 tablesp. minced parsley
●1/2 lb. lasagna noodles (8 strips)
●3 - 4 oz. shredded mozzarella
●1/2 medium onion, chopped
●4 tablesp. grated parmesan
●14 oz. jar Marinara Sauce
● 1 egg white | ● 8 oz. ricotta |
In large skillet cook meat and onion, stirring often until meat is no longer pink and onion is tender.
Drain off fat, then add sauce and set aside. Combine ricotta, egg white and parsley. Cook noodles according to package directions; drain, add cold water to cool and drain well.
Place wire shelf in position 1. Preheat oven on BAKE at 350°F. Oil a 7 x 11 x 1 1/5 inch pan. Lay 4 noodles in pan, overlapping slightly. Spread 1/2 of ricotta mix- ture, then 1/2 of meat sauce over noodles. Sprinkle with 1/2 of mozzarella and 2 tablesp. parmesan chee- se. Repeat layers with 4 noodles, remaining ricotta mix- ture, meat sauce, mozzarella and parmesan. Bake 25 minutes or until bubbling hot.
Convection FAN/BAKE 300°F. Then BROIL
●1 1/2 - 2 lbs. back ribs cut in
●1/2 teasp. salt ● 1/4 teasp. ground ginger
●1/3 cup water or beer
●1 teasp. prepared mustard
●1/4 teasp. garlic salt or 1 clove garlic, minced
●1/2 cup bottled BBQ sauce
●2 tablesp. soy sauce
Place wire shelf in position 1 and preheat oven on FAN/BAKE at 300°F. Line shallow pan with foil (do not allow to overhang pan.) Add ribs, bone side up, salt and water or beer. Cover ribs with foil, tucking in on all sides. Place pan in oven and FAN/BAKE 20 minutes. Meanwhile make sauce by combining remaining ingre- dients in a small saucepan and simmer 5 minutes.
Remove pan from oven carefully, uncover ribs and drain off all liquid. Turn oven to BROIL; brush ribs with sauce and return to oven, leaving door open to stop position.
Turn and brush ribs every 10 minutes for 30 minutes or until nicely browned and tender. If ribs brown too quickly, turn oven to 350°F with door closed for addi- tional time until they are tender.
Note: Back ribs, sometimes called baby back ribs, are preferred for this recipe. Spare ribs will take longer to tenderize, an hour or more.
Convection FAN/BAKE 350°F
●1 lb. lean ground beef ● 1 teasp. salt
●1 medium onion, diced ● 1/4 teasp. pepper
●1 tablesp. chili powder
●1 15- to 19 oz. can red kidney beans, drained
●1 28 oz. can tomatoes
●1 12- to 14 oz. package corn muffin mix
●1 1/2 teasp. sugar
In skillet cook beef and onion, stirring to break up meat, until meat is browned. Drain excess fat and add chili powder, undrained tomatoes, sugar, salt and pepper. Reduce heat, cover skillet and simmer 20 minutes, stir- ring occasionally. Stir in drained beans. Spoon mixture into a 7x11x1 1/2 inch pan or 1 1/2 qt. casserole.
Preheat oven on FAN/BAKE at 350°F. with wire shelf in position 1. Prepare corn muffin mix as label directs. Spoon batter evenly over top of meat mixture. Bake uncovered 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown and toothpick inserted in corn bread comes out clean.