All DELTA® Machines and accessories are manufactured to high quality standards and are serviced by a network of DELTA® Factory Service Centers and DELTA® Authorized Service Centers. To obtain additional information regarding your DELTA® quality product or to obtain parts, service, warranty assistance, or the location of the nearest service center, please call
Use only identical replacement parts. For a parts list or to order parts, visit our website at www.DeltaMachinery.com. You can also order parts from your nearest
If your warning labels become illegible or are missing, call
All quality tools will | eventually require ser vicing | and/or replacement | of par ts . | For | information |
a b o u t D E LTA ® P o w e r | E q u i p m e n t C o r p o r a t i o n , | i t s f a c t o r y - o w n e d | b r a n c h e s , | o r | t o l o c a t e |
a n A u t h o r i z e d Wa r r a n t y S e r v i c e C e n t e r, v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t w w w . D e l t a M a c h i n e r y . c o m or call our Customer Care Center at
You can also write to us for information at DELTA® Power Equipment Corporation, 99 Roush Street, Anderson, South Carolina 29625 - Attention: Technical Service Manager. Be sure to include all of the information shown on the nameplate of your tool (model number, type, serial number, date code, etc.)