Click on "Einstellen" (Settings) button to edit the settings.
Device(Gerät): Select the TAPI-capable device (here the Eumex 504PC SE, #"Port-
Nummer"(Internal line number))
External line seizure digit(Amtskennzahl): Enter the digit used to seize an external
Length of internal number(Länge der internen Rufnummern):
Enter the length of the internal telephone numbers (in the case of a
Eumex 504PC SE you must enter a "2"here)
General(Allgemein): Activate the option by ticking the corresponding checkbox
Fokusklick (Acoustic signal): An acoustic signal is heard when the
mouse cursor is on the corresponding button.
DTMF-Töne (DTMF tones): DTMF tones are transmitted when you
dial with the key buttons
Immer als "Standard"starten (Always start with default screen):
The Win·Suite – Dialling Wizard always starts with the default screen
(the telephone book is not displayed).
Configure speed dialling(Kurzwahl konfigurieren):
Configuration of speed-dialling destinations (function keys).
Note: The range of functions may be increased in future software releases.
Deutsche Telekom reserves the right to alter the appearance slightly.
Win·Suite – Dialling Wizard – Settings
Dialling Wizard Software