In conjunction with a PC and the USB port orserial (V.24) interface, the communica-
tions software supplied enables you to use the following ISDN services: data transfer,
class 3 and 4 fax transmission and reception, e-mail, mailbox, answerphone and Inter-
net applications.
Note:If both interfaces are busy, the PC connected via USB has priority. The PC con-
nected via the V.24 interface can only access the communications system when the
USB interface is no longer busy.
You can configure the Eumex 504PC SE, changing the preset values to meet your
own requirements. You can do this in three ways: menu-driven configuration via a PC,
configuration via a telephone connected to your communications system (see the
chapter entitled "Configuration via Telephone" on p. 39), or you can have your Eumex
504PC SE remotely configured by TeleService for a fee (call 0180 2 55 66 55).
If you attempt to configure the system from a PC while configuration from a con-
nected telephone is taking place, a warning will appear on your screen. Similarly, if
there is an attempt to configure the system from a connected telephone while config-
uration from a PC is taking place, a busy tone will be signalled.
Configuration does not impair operation of the communications system or interrupt
calls. The new settings are only active after you have exported the configuration file to
the Eumex 504PC SE or saved the settings in the PC Configurator.
You can only configure the Eumex 504PC SE after entering a valid PIN. The default
setting on delivery is 0000 (i.e. the digit "zero" four times).
Using the command "Save file as …," you can save a number of different configuration
files. You can then export them to the Eumex 504PC SE as required, thus reconfigur-
ing the system with a mouse-click.
The PC Software