Mounting and Commissioning
Mounting and Installation Sequence
Please adhere to the following sequence:
1.Mount the Eumex 504PC SE and connect the devices as described in the following
2.Configure the communications system. You can do this in three different ways
•PC configuration: menu-driven configuration via a PC. In order to do this, all the
drivers on the CD supplied must be installed. Please refer to the chapter entitled
"Installing the Software" on p. 66for instructions on how to do this.
•Configuration via a telephone connected to your communications system.
Please refer to the chapter entitled "Configuration via Telephone" for instructions
on how to do this.
•Remote configuration: you can have your system remotely configured by Tele-
Service for a fee.
For remote configuration, call: 0180 2 55 66 55.
PC configuration:
3.Install the CAPI driver. This procedure is described in the chapter entitled "The PC
Software" on p. 63ff.
4.Install and configure the Teledat RVS-COM communications software as described
in the chapter entitled "Teledat RVS-COM" on p. 91.
With regard to points 2, 3 and 4 above, please note the system prerequisites listed in
the section entitled "What Does the Eumex 504PC SE Require?"
In the Appendix you will find a glossary, an index of key words, and a diagram of the
Eumex 504PC SE audio signals and ringer cadences.
The Eumex 504PC SE consists of various components. This User Guide first
describes how to mount the communications system and how to connect terminals
such as telephones. You can operate your equipment using the factory settings – you
won’t miss a single call (see Default Settings on p. 17).
However, we recommend that you configure the Eumex 504PC SE according to your
personal requirements before using it for the first time. You can configure the system
via a telephone, or use a convenient, menu-driven configuration program on a con-
nected PC. You can subsequently install the communications software on your PC.
The software is easiest to install on your PC before you connect the PC to the
Eumex 504PC SE (see the chapter entitled "Installing the Software,"p. 66).