Configuring the System
Menu: Network Settings
In this menu you enter or edit your Internet access data. In addition, you use "Router-
einstellungen/Haltezeit" (Router settings/retention period) to set the period after
which an existing Internet connection is disconnected if no data more traffic is
Activate the firewall function (port filter) for your Eumex 504PC SE to prevent other
PCs attacking your PC. When the firewall function is active, all incoming connections
are rejected. When the firewall is deactivated, however, all incoming connections are
accepted. It is not possible to program the firewall function for individual ports.
Important Note
When the firewall function (port filter) is active, other PCs have no access to the data
on your PC.
Your communications system provides automatic Internet dial-up. This means that
when your PC requests data from the Internet, the connection to your Internet
provider is automatically established. Please note that not only requests you start
from your browser lead to the establishment of connections: many commercial pro-
grams access the Internet unnoticed in the background (e.g. to update software). If
you do not have flat-rate Internet access, this can lead to increased call charges. To
avoid this, configure all relevant programs so that automatic Internet access does
not take place.