Version 1.8.0 - 16.06.2008
Assemble a Device
Ă„nderungen vorbehalten / Subject to change without notice.
We recommend to feed power supplies from different mains supply systems to
prevent power failures.
The 52/XR MADI Router can optional be operated with two power supplies of the type 52-5048 (48V/200W).
Sync Module RedundancyAn 52/XR MADI Router can be equipped with a redundant synchronisation module. Thus, the device becomes more
reliable concerning the internal and external synchronisation.
The 52/XR MADI Router can optional be operated with two synchronisation modules of the type 52-6710.
More information on the synchronisation and its configuration can be found in the section Synchronisation.
Controller RedundancyAn 52/XR MADI Router can be equipped with a redundant communication controller module. Thus, the device becomes
more reliable concerning the communication in the configuration and controlling network (communication with
configuration PCs).
The 52/XR MADI Router can optional be operated with two communication controller modules of the type 52-6850.
Router / DSP Kernel RedundancyAn 52/XR MADI Router can be equipped with a redundant Router / DSP Kernel module. Thus, the device becomes more
reliable concerning the routing and DSP processing.
The following Router / DSP Kernel redundancy options are possible for the 52/XR MADI Router:
Router / DSP Kernel module of the type
Router / DSP Kernel module of the type
3 HU frame
two modules
two modules
6 HU frame
two modules (if only the upper backplane is used) or
four modules (if the upper and the lower backplane
are equipped with redundancy)
two modules (if only the upper backplane is used)
If you want to use both backplanes of an 6 HU 52/
XR, you have to use modules of the type 52-6440.
It is not possible to use Router / DSP Kernel modules of different types in one device!
MADI RedundancyThe MADI modules in the slots 13 to 18 (and in the slots 34 to 39 in a 6 HU frame) can be configured as redundancy for
the corresponding modules of the slots 3 to 8 (and the slots 24 to 29 in a 6 HU frame). That means, if you want to
safeguard the channels of the MADI module in slot 5, you have to plug the redundant module into slot 15 and to assign
this module to be redundant with the configuration software Toolbox5.
Please find more information on the MADI redundancy and its configuration in the section Configuring MADI Redundancy.