Version 1.8.0 - 16.06.2008
Configuration and Operation of an 52/XR MADI Router
Ă„nderungen vorbehalten / Subject to change without notice.
7.1.1 Add DevicesBelow the project tree you can find the Add... button. A menu with devices - which can be added to the project -
appears after clicking this button. Choose the entry Add 52/XR Router from this menu to add an 52/XR routing device
to the project. Press Remove if you want to delete a device of the project tree.
Alternatively, you can reach this function via a context menu by right-click the project tree or the area around the project
Add a routing device.
Select a 3 HU Frame (52-6063) or a 6 HU Frame (52-6066) in the pull down menu DSP Frame Type.