About This Publication
This section contains information about the following topics:
•Intended Audience
•How to Use This Publication
•Related Information
This Release Update addresses issues associated with Dialogic® Multimedia Software for AdvancedTCA Release 1.0. In addition to summarizing issues that were known as of this release, the Release Update will continue to be updated to serve as the primary mechanism for communicating new issues that arise after the release date.
Intended Audience
This Release Update is intended for all users of the Dialogic® Multimedia Platform for AdvancedTCA.
How to Use This Publication
This Release Update is organized into three sections (click the section name to jump to the corresponding section):
•Document Revision History: This section summarizes the ongoing changes and additions that are made to this Release Update after its original release. This section is organized by document revision and document section.
•Release Issues: This section lists issues that may affect the system release hardware and software.
•Documentation Updates: This section contains corrections and other changes that apply to the documentation set that were not made to the documents prior to the release. The updates are organized by documentation category and by individual document.
Dialogic® Multimedia Software for ATCA Release 1.0 Release Update, Rev 06 — January 23, 2008 | 3 |
Dialogic Corporation |