Configure Digi devices
Python files
The Python files page is for uploading Python programs to a Digi device, and managing
the uploaded files.
Upload Files: Click Browse to select a file to upload to the Digi device and
then click Upload.
Manage Files: Select any files to remove from the Digi device and click
Auto-start settings
The Auto-start settings page configures Python programs to execute when the Digi device
boots. Up to four entries can be configured.
Enable: When checked, the program specified in the Auto-start command line
field will be run when the device boots.
Auto-start command line: Specify the Python program filename to be
executed and any arguments to pass to the program. The syntax is:
filename [arg1 arg2...]
Manually execute uploaded Python programs
To manually execute an uploaded Python program on a Digi device, access the
command line of the device. Then type the command:
python filename [program args...]