Digital Tigers SideCar MMS Series manual User options for multi-display ease of use

Models: SideCar MMS Series

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Chapter 7 - User options for multi-display ease of use

Designate a new primary monitor

Move or auto-hide the Windows Taskbar

Use QuickDesk / PowerDesk utilities

Enlarge and speed up the mouse pointer

User options

You may want to change some Windows settings to optimize your multi-monitor workspace. This chapter discusses three popular options (which can be combined):

ƒDesignate a new primary monitor

ƒMove the Windows Taskbar, if you prefer it placed on a different monitor

ƒUse the supplied QuickDesk / PowerDesk utilities to control where program windows and dialog boxes open

ƒEnlarge and speed up the mouse pointer to accommodate the large display area

What is a “primary monitor”?

Windows employs the concept of a “primary” monitor, which can be complemented by a number of “secondary” monitors. By default, when you install the SideCar, your notebook LCD display remains the primary monitor, and all the SideCar monitors are secondary monitors.

The primary monitor typically has the following attributes:

ƒPrograms open by default in the primary monitor. (However, some programs will save their window position on closing, and reopen where they were used last – sometimes stretched across multiple monitors, if preferred. Also, supplied QuickDesk / PowerDesk utilities can change the default application behavior.)

ƒDialog boxes (pop-up windows) from Windows and applications appear in the primary monitor. (Again, supplied utilities change this default behavior.)

ƒThe primary monitor gathers Windows desktop icons on the left edge of that monitor.

ƒThe Windows Taskbar appears in the primary monitor by default, but can be moved easily to any monitor.

ƒThe primary monitor often can display motion video using the DirectDraw hardware overlay plane – required for best-quality motion video playback by many (but not all) video editing applications and media players (Some applications display motion video without such “hardware acceleration”, and some applications can display video using either method – although hardware acceleration normally yields superior quality). Note: support for the hardware overlay plane is left to the graphics controller manufacturer and display adapter drivers, and can be enabled/disabled by the user through the Display Properties / Settings / Advanced / Troubleshooting panel. (Drag the “Hardware Acceleration” slider to “Full” to enable hardware video overlay. This is the default setting, so normally users do not need to change the setting.)


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Digital Tigers SideCar MMS Series manual User options for multi-display ease of use, What is a “primary monitor”?