Creating The LCD Response Messages
When you arebusy or are awayfrom your desk,you can seta message at your telephonethat will be receivedby any LCD speakerphone within your system. Your systemprovidestwo defaultmessages: “Back at . . .‘I and “Call . . .” In addition,you can addeight customized messages,or you cancreateup to tenmessagesif you choosenot to use the two defaultmessages.
Note: If you intend to create a response message to a voice announce, remember that this is also a message, and that it uses one of your message locations.
To storetheLCD messages,proceedasfollows:
write your messageson the charton page5 (eachmessagecan haveup to 16 characters),
usethe letter codetable(on page4) to assigna number to eachlet- ter,
write thesenumberson the chartline besidethemessageletters, pressITCM,
dial+##O 5,
dial a messagelocation
composeyour messagesby dialing
dial +#to savemessage,
dial next location number,#to clearit,
repeatpreviousstepuntil all messagesare stored, pressSPKR to end.
Example: Createa messagethat will readas“TAKE MESSAGE” and programit into messagelocation number3.
-pressITCM, dial + # 0 5,
-dial 3 #,
- dial +1,11,22,22 | 12 | 61, | 32,73, 73;21,41 32 |
| space | M | E S S A G’E |
- dial #, and pressSPKR to end.