Freightliner Refrigerator Troubleshooting Guide
750000005 (TJ18F)
750000011 (TJ22F)
750000026 (TJ18FP3)
Dometic Corporation, Environmental Division (Dometic) manufacturers of Dometic Refrigerator products, makes the following safety warnings concerning the application, installation, use and care of its products. Although these warnings are extensive, there may be specific hazards which may arise out of circumstances which we have not outlined herein. Use this as a guide for developing an awareness of potential hazards of all kinds. Such awareness will be a key factor in assuring your SAFETY and comfort.
ELECTRICITY – Many Dometic products operate on 115 or 230 volt AC power and/or 12/24 volt DC power. Such voltages can be LETHAL: therefore, the chassis, cabinets, bases, etc., on all components must be grounded together and connected to the vehicle’s grounding system. Sparks can occur as switches, thermostats and relays open and close in the normal operation of the equipment. Since this is the case, ventilating blowers for the removal of hazardous fumes or vapors should be operated at least 5 minutes before and during operation of any Dometic product or group of Dometic products. All electrical connections must be covered and protected so accidental contact cannot be made by persons using the equipment; as such contact could be LETHAL.
ELECTROLYSIS – Electrical leakage of any component can cause electrolytic deterioration (electrolysis) resulting in vehicle component damage which could cause loss of life. All Dometic components must be kept clean and dry and checked periodically for electrical leakage. If any electrical leakage is detected, the component should be replaced or the fault causing the leakage corrected before the component is put back into service.
GAS – Dometic Refrigerator components utilize R134a refrigerant, R409A or R404A, R125/R143a/R134 (44%/52%/47%) which are
VENTILATION – Dometic Refrigerator components are designed to move air through a heat exchanger by a blower or propeller fan. This design necessarily produces a suction on one side of the air handling component and a pressure on the other side. Air handling components must be installed so that the suction pressure action does not: (1) pressure an area to the extent that structural failure occurs which could cause harm to occupants or bystanders, or (2) cause a suction or low pressure in an area where hydrogen gas from batteries, raw fuel vapor from fuel tanks, carbon monoxide from operating propulsion engines, power generators or heaters, methane gas from sewage holding tanks, or any other
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