m a i n t e n a n c e
We recommend that you have an experienced dealer perform these maintenance checks once a year. Lubrication of the following items is necessary:
1 pivot point and cable of hand brake
2 hand brake cable by caliper lever
3 front wheel axle
4 quick release lever
5 insert in frame for rear wheels
Replace the brake pads when the grooves become worn away. Check all bolts are tight and springs are secure for rear foot brake.
Check fabric seams and straps for fraying or tearing. Keep it out of the sun and in a dry place, when not in use, to prevent fading and mildew. Check the frame for loose rivets, cracks and wear. Check to make sure all nuts and bolts are tight on the frame.
To adjust the hand brake if it becomes loose, turn the barrel towards you, away from the locking ring. Tighten the locking ring to make a gap no more than a 1/4" wide. If still too loose, adjust barrel down by the brake calipers.
these adjustments should be done in small increments -
only a small amount of adjustment is necessary
locking ring barrel
brake pad
locking ring