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iQ Series, Auto User’s Manual
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-573-02
Electrical Safety

Power Grounding Connection

Figure 2-1 illustrates how the AC line is connected.
Figure 2–1 AC Line Connection
If there is any question
about grounding of your
equipment and/or its elec-
trical power source, con-
tact a qualified electrician.
Terminal Wire Color
North America Europe
L (Live) Black Lt. Brown
(Ground) Green Green w/yellow
N (Neutral) White Lt. Blue
Table 2-I Conventional Wire Color Code
iQ Auto Power Inlet
Pluggable AC
Line Connector
For safe system operation: To
avoid the risk of re, electrical
shock, serious injury or death,
the power line safety ground
must be securely connected
to the center terminal on the
(pluggable) AC line connector.